Links to helpful information


Department of Housing and Public Works

The Department of Housing, Residential Services Unit administers the Retirement Villages Act 1999, and also investigates serious complaints and alleged breaches of the Act.

The department’s website also provides information about the following topics:

Retirement village options and contracts

  • Buying a unit in a retirement village
  • Maintenance and insurance
  • Village decision making and committees
  • Steps to resolving retirement village dispute
  • Leaving the retirement village

Queensland Retirement Village and Parks Advice Service

Queensland Retirement Village and Parks Advice Service (QRVPAS), part of Caxton Legal Centre Inc, is a specialist service providing free information and legal assistance for residents and prospective residents of retirement villages and manufactured home parks in Queensland. Assistance is prioritised to focus on older people, including groups of residents. The service also provides substantial community legal education and law reform and undertake limited case work.

The provides the very best tools and information to find the optimum solution to your accommodation and downsizing requirements throgh a range of video and educational tools covering the legal points, the money side and the lifestyle that can be expected.


COTA is Australia’s leading advocacy body for older Australians. Cota Australia’s role is to promote, improve and protect the wellbeing of older Australians and aged care consumers. COTA Australia lobbies for action and policy change at a national level on issues affecting seniors.

 Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT)

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is an independent, accessible tribunal that efficiently resolves disputes on a range of matters.

Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management

Provides information and dispute resolution services for those who live in body corporate schemes inc. freehold villages) in Queensland.

Leading Age Services Australia (LASA)

LASA is the largest national association for age service providers across residential care, home care and retirement living representing metropolitan, regional and rural Australia with 54% of Members being not-for-profit, 38% for-profit and 8% are public providers.

 The Property Council of Australia – Retirement Living Council

The Retirement Living Council is the national leadership group of the retirement living sector, championing policies that deliver more senior Australians age-friendly homes and services in retirement communities.

 Queensland Government Neighbourhood Disputes Centres

Qld Government Neighbourhood Disputes centres provide help with issues with neighbours.

Queensland Law Society

The Queensland Law Society keeps a list of lawyers with expertise in retirement villages.

Seniors Enquiry Line

Seniors Enquiry Line is a statewide information and referral service for Queensland seniors, families, friends, grandparents and carers.

Seniors Enquiry Line can help you with concessions, social activities, household assistance, retirement accommodation, financial and legal matters, health, education, transport and many other issues.

 Community Legal Centres Queensland

Community Legal Centres Queensland (CLC) operates through a small team of staff, along with volunteers, to provide free information, legal assistance, referral, representation, casework, community education and advocacy to vulnerable clients. CLC also provides support and advocacy for 33 independent, community-led community legal centres operating across Queensland.

Phone 07 3392 0092


LawRight (formerly Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House) is a partnership of law firms, barristers, the Community Legal Centres Queensland, the Queensland Law Society, the Queensland Bar Association, Legal Aid Queensland, university law schools, accountancy firms and government and corporate legal units. LawRight is an independent, not-for-profit, community-based legal organisation coordinating the provision of pro bono legal services for individuals and community groups in Queensland.