Representing residents interests
Our Committee, a member of the Queensland Government Housing Legislation Consultative Group, provides direct resident-focused input to Government about proposed changes to policy relating to retirement villages.
Lobbying and advocacy
Our Committee lobbies and advocates for change to Government policy, and to industry positions, via various paths to advance and protect the rights and interests of all retirement village residents.
We work closely with operators and village manager training providers to convey a resident’s perspective on a range of matters identified to our Committee.
Providing information and education
Our website has a collection of freely available articles for people living in, moving out, or thinking about moving in to a retirement village.
We conduct face-to-face or audio-visual linked presentations to keep villages up to date with important topics including residents constitutions, residents committees, and changes to retirement village law.
Assisting and supporting members
ARQRV specialist advisors assist and support individual financial members in issues with their village operator relating to the Retirement Villages Act 1999, or their residence contract.
Where required, we continue to provide advice and support to financial members or their families, about village exit costs and exit entitlements when the member leaves their village.
Advisors will usually first seek to resolve matters in an informal manner directly with the scheme operator or the village manager.
Members may contact us at any time with general enquiries about retirement village matters.
Members will be kept informed of topics relevant to retirement village living, by regular newsletters.
Please note – we do not become involved in issues between residents or matters of a similar nature.
Supporting and educating residents committees
We provide individual support, upon request, about the functioning of committees (including village financial matters) to villages that subscribe to our Residents Committee Support Desk. We also assist subscribing villages when endeavouring to establish a committee. Subscribing committees are invited to general educational quarterly audio-visual forums with guest speakers.
There are various print-based resources available for committees, including the Residents Committee Manual and the Village Financials guideline.
More information and the costs associated with the Support Desk can be found here.
Village visits
On invitation from a village, ARQRV committee members or sub-committee members will address groups of residents in your village about the work undertaken by the association and topical issues within the industry.
Sessions are free and last about one hour. All residents of the village are invited and welcome to attend.
After the session there is opportunity for non-members to join the association.
Contact the ARQRV office to make a booking.